Imagine these scenarios
o You’re introduced to someone who's an insurance agent - your antenna moves to high alert for rescue options. He proceeds to bore you with mind numbing details of his job...and tries to sell you an insurance policy! Ignoring the look in your eyes as you smile distractedly, you head frantically scanning the room for an escape option.🤕 😰
o Let's take the same scene. Instead of telling you details of his job, his opening salvo is, “Tough day at work! You know the spate of robberies in this neighbourhood? One of our clients was robbed and we just paid a massive amount in settling the claim. Do you live in this neighbourhood, by the way?” See? You would want to be insured by the company that pays up that promptly, wouldn’t you?👌 😀
So, salesperson 2.0 humanized his pitch!
To create an anecdote that's relevant, you’ll need to understand your target audience - REALLY understand them.
If you noticed, I humanized the pitch with an anecdote. Write me if you are interested in humanizing consulting
Good luck!